Lewis And Clark Books

  • Lewis and Clark Adventures
    The story of Lewis and Clark's expedition to explore the newly purchased Louisiana Territory, encountering challenges, making discoveries, and meeting Sacagawea.
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  • The Adventures of Lewis and Clark
    The story of Lewis and Clark's expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase, with the help of Sacagawea.
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  • Back to the Future, Again?
    Marty McFly uses a time machine to observe Lewis and Clark's expedition. He learns about their journey, encounters with Native American tribes, and the challenges they faced.
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  • Exploring Math with Lewis and Clark
    The story of Lewis and Clark's expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase, their challenges, discoveries, and achievements.
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  • Lewis and Clark
    The expedition of Lewis and Clark set out by Thomas Jefferson to find new lands past the Mississippi River, which in turn gave them claim to the Oregon County. The book is to…
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  • Lewis and Clark's Expedition
    The story of Lewis and Clark's expedition, including their encounters with Sacagawea, Seaman the dog, trading, weapons, plants, animals, corps members, tribes, maps, and clim…
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  • The Journey of Lewis and Clark
    The story follows the Lewis and Clark expedition as they explore the western land acquired in the Louisiana Purchase, encountering various challenges and tribes along the way.
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  • Lewis and Clark
    The story of Lewis and Clark's expedition to explore the Louisiana territory, meet Native American tribes, and reach the Pacific.
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