Library Books

  • Diary of ME!!!
    A diary entry of a child named SilverPages/GoldenPages, who is at a library and shares upcoming vacation plans to China.
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  • Orwell Loves Books
    Orwell is a bookworm. What do bookworms love? Books of course! Find out what kind of books Orwell loves and what he loves more than books.
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  • A Visit to The Volcano! An original Shammy story
    Join Shammy, Pila, and Dimo as they go to Hawaii, learn about volcanoes, see Pele, and take a trip inside the Earth. Don't worry though because you will for sure be home in t…
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  • The Enchanted Book Nook
    Which fairy tale character will become the hero and rescue the books of the enchanted book nook?
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  • Luna and her Friends
    Luna, a magic mermaid, and her friends Lydia and Natasha go to the library. On the way, they encounter turtles, a lion, a dinosaur, and a flying turtle. They meet their frien…
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  • ABC's of California's Tidepools
    Papa works at the aquarium and Mama used to work there so we love the ocean. We love to visit the tide pools especially when there is a king tide. We see so many cool animal…
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  • N.B. Youth Poet Contest
    A collection of children's poems, each with its unique theme and style. The poems encourage self-love, appreciation of nature, hope, and creativity. They are beautifully illu…
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  • In the Library...
    A poem about the library and the different things one can learn there, but with inconsistent structure and repetitive language.
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