Life Expectancy Books

  • Israel
    The story is an informative piece about Israel, discussing its demographics, economy, and development status. It uses various statistics to argue that Israel is a developed c…
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    A speculative look into the future, discussing advancements in technology, science, climate change, and its impact on flora, fauna, life expectancy, family, and population.
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  • Montenegro
    An informational book about Montenegro, covering its capital, population, life expectancy, flag, languages, natural attractions, and a farewell visit to Aqua Park Budva.
    by kw99
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    While out on a routine mission, fighter pilot Pip Popp finds's jet runs into mechanical difficulties. But rather than crashing to the ground below, Pip is transported to a st…
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  • Madagascar
    An overview of Madagascar's location, history, poverty rate, life expectancy, illiteracy rates, main goods and services produced, exports/imports, infrastructure, unemploymen…
  • The Life of an American Bison
    In this book you will find an exciting and informative guide to the fascinating world of the American Bison. Offering a lively and readable wealth of material on the bison’s…
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  • Oh Canada, Drake tells why Canada's Great
    An informative text about Canada's population, fertility rate, migration, and quality of life, with a focus on Drake's love for his country.
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  • The ABC's of Culture in Brazil
    A brief overview of various aspects of Brazil, including art, buildings, communication, dress, economy, family, government, history, jobs, national pride, organizations, popu…
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