Limitation Books

  • Superhero Fairy Tales/ Fairy Heroes
    A discussion on the differences between fairy tale movies and superhero movies, including their storytelling styles, target audiences, and creative limitations.
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  • The story introduces two types of renewable energy: solar power and geothermal energy. It explains how they work and their benefits and limitations.
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  • Black Girl Magic Julie Ivonne
    My daughters are like yours! They possess a magic that is inspiring and full of love. Throughout this book we will navigate the meaning of "Black Girl Magic" as well absorb b…
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  • Kids Version of the 10 Amendments
    A brief overview of the Bill of Rights and its 10 amendments, highlighting individual rights and limitations on government power.
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  • Shelby Jacobs: African-American Aerospace Engineer
    The biography of Shelby Jacobs, an African-American aerospace engineer who overcame discrimination to make significant contributions to the space industry.
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  • A Tale of Two Twins
    Marcus, a new student, befriends Annabelle and her twin sister Luna, who has Rett Syndrome. Marcus learns to appreciate Luna's unique abilities and the support of their frien…
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  • The Magna Carta
    During the 1200s, King John's brutal rule led to the creation of the Magna Carta, a legal document that limited his power.
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  • ALBA
    Disabled teenagers are visible!
    This book is dedicated to Alba, a girl from Spain, who is one of the many fearless warriors in this world! Discover her story, find out ho…
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