Literary Texts Books

  • Build A Book
    A lesson plan for 3rd graders to create a book using the writing process, technology applications, and creativity.
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  • A Piece Of Mind 180 Days of Mayhem
    This is a collection of students' personal narrative excerpts from their individual memoirs and their selective poems.
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  • Jane and the talent show
    Jane prepares for a talent show, seeks her mom's advice, and chooses to do a tap dance. With her mom's encouragement, she performs confidently and successfully.
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  • Children’s Literature Guide
    A series of lively letters between famous storybook characters, teaching lessons of friendship and forgiveness.
  • Travelers through Literary Seasons JANUARY ACTIVITIES
    Students from different schools come together to work on a project about autumn, including reading poems and creating portfolios.
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  • The Lady in Black
    The Lady in Black, grieving the loss of her daughter, finds healing and renewal through a transformative journey.
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  • Literary Techniques
    An introduction to literary techniques, including figurative language and sound techniques, with examples and explanations.
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  • Writer's Tips for being a detailed writer
    Write and write with details so you can get a 3+ or even a 4 or higher in writing!
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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