Living Conditions Books

  • Tina has Celiac Disease
    Tina, a girl with celiac disease, shares her experiences of living with the condition and how she manages it with the support of her family, friends, and doctors.
  • What About the Eskimos
    This story provides information about Eskimos, including their living conditions, cultural practices, and skills.
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  • One Small Girl With One Big Victory
    An immigrant's journey to America reveals harsh realities of life, work, and community. Through struggles, they find hope and unity, leading to better living conditions and a…
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  • Pet Bunnies
    A guide to taking care of bunnies, covering topics such as their diet, behavior, and living conditions.
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    A brief introduction to the lives of cavepeople, including their living conditions, hunting practices, and tool-making skills.
  • Cow and Duck
    Cow and Duck are best friends on a farm. They both complain about their living conditions, but Duck helps Cow realize he should appreciate what he has.
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  • Children in the Industrial Revolution
    A comparison of the lives of poor and rich children during the Industrial Revolution, highlighting their living conditions, education, health, and playtime.
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  • The Second Revolutionary War
    A young soldier recounts his experiences and thoughts during the American Civil War, including battles, living conditions, and his views on slavery.
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