Logarithms Books

  • Exponential function and logarithm
    An introduction to exponents, logarithms, and their applications in various fields.
  • John Napier
    This book provides a biography of John Napier, a Scottish mathematician known for his contributions to logarithms and other calculating devices.
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  • Solving Triangles and Logarithms
    The book provides explanations and formulas for solving logarithms and triangles, with examples and tips.
  • Using Logs to solve Equations.
    A math book explaining logarithms and adding/subtracting rational expressions with examples.
  • Using Logarithms & Solving  Right Triangles
    The story provides formulas and explanations for properties of logarithms and special right triangles.
  • Adding/Subtracting Rational Expressions & Logs
    A guide on how to subtract and add rational expressions, use logarithms, and apply properties of logs.
  • Ocean Acidification
    Bubbles and Blue are two fish who embark on a journey to understand the impact of ocean acidification on their lives. They meet various characters, learn about the science be…
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  • Graphing and Graphing Form
    A guide to graphing different mathematical functions, including parabolas, exponentials, cubics, square roots, absolute values, logarithms, and rationals.
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