Luau Books

  • My Vacation with Grandma
    This is a story about a girl who goes on a vacation with her grandma and sister. She gets to go to different places on vacation and has neat experiences while on vacation.
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  • Kaia and Maya Adventures: Trip to Hawaii
    Kaia and Maya are two adventurous sisters. In this book Kaia and Maya go to Hawaii. They play in the sand and swim with the dolphins. Hope you enjoy.
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  • Ashley's Flat Stanley Visits Kauai
    Read about Flat Stanley as he vistits and learns about Hawaii.
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  • Perfect past history
    A person goes on a vacation to Hawaii, enjoys various activities, and returns home feeling rejuvenated.
  • The Little Goat's Big Vacation
    Barnaby is tired of the cold weather, so she decides to go on vacation to Hawaii, where there's beaches, a luau, and a surfing contest waiting for her!
  • the volcanoe sisters
    Two grumpy sisters and three best friends in Hawaii learn to get along and stop the volcanoes from erupting.
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  • ABC's of Hawaii
    An alphabetical guide to Hawaiian culture, covering topics from flowers and volcanoes to hula and ukuleles.
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  • Lets take a trip around Hawaii!
    An informative book about Hawaii, its culture, geography, and history, with a focus on vocabulary and facts.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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