Mambo Books

  • The giraffe to the sound of the mambo.
    A giraffe overcomes discouragement and judgment to fulfill her dream of being a dancer, teaching a valuable lesson about not judging others.
  • African Culture
    The story explores the role of art and music in African culture, focusing on Kente cloth, Nollywood films, and various music genres.
  • African Cultue
    Joe introduces African culture, discussing Kente Cloth's colors and meanings, dances like samba, reggae, and mambo, and their origins.
  • Unit 6 Culture Project
    This book explores various aspects of African culture, including music, art, and film. It provides a brief overview of different genres and their origins.
  • African Culture
    A young child meets a man named Zacamoco in the African jungle who teaches them about African music, arts, and films.
  • Nigeria: Art and music
    An overview of African art, culture, music, and history, highlighting the significance of colors, wooden masks, rap, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, and traditional instruments.
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  • Unit 6 Africa Culture Project (informational)
    This story discusses the influence of African culture on music, dance, and arts, including the history of African diaspora, popular dances, music styles, and the significance…
  • Journey Through Culture
    The story explores various aspects of African art, music, and culture, including Ladysmith Mamba, African hip hop, Brazilian samba, Kente cloth, African masks, and Nollywood.
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