Man-made Wonders Books

  • Seven Man-Made Wonders in the US
    This book explores various man-made wonders around the United States, including the Brooklyn Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, Gateway Arch, Hoover Dam, Mount Rushmore, Mesa Verde …
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  • Wonders of the Ancient World
    This book introduces the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, providing historical and architectural details about each wonder.
    A brief introduction to the Seven Wonders of the World, including their locations and historical significance.
  • The United Kingdom Landmarks
    This book explores famous landmarks in the UK, including Buckingham Palace, Stonehenge, and the Giant's Causeway, highlighting their history and significance.
  • One-Eyed Jack's Georgia Adventure
    Jack, a blind German Shepherd, embarks on an adventure to explore the different regions of Georgia with his friend Morgan, a puppy. They visit the Appalachian Plateau, Ridge …
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  • The 7 wonders of the world
    A brief description of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and their history.
  • Saint Isaac`s Cathedral
    A description of Saint Isaac's Cathedral in Saint Petersburg, including its history, architecture, and significance.
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  • The wonders of the Ancient world
    This book provides information about four ancient wonders: the Statue of Zeus, Lighthouse of Alexandria, Temple of Artemis, and Great Pyramid at Giza.
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