Mangroves Books

  • Life in the Mangrove Forest
    An informative book about mangroves, their characteristics, importance, and threats they face. Includes vocabulary definitions and additional resources.
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  • Mangrove park story
    Muzna and her brother Khaled visit Mangrove Park in Abu Dhabi with their dad. They learn about mangroves, see water creatures, and go kayaking.
  • Save the mangroves
    A call to action to save mangroves from the threat of plastics, highlighting their importance in protecting coastlines and coral reefs.
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  • Pedro's Coral Reef Adventures
    This book was written and illustrated by students who participated in Smith College Coral Reef Ed-Ventures 2017 in San Pedro, Belize. This story follows a parrotfish named Pe…
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  • The Mangrove Snake
    A description of the Mangrove Snake, its diet, and digestive system.
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  • The mangroves.
    A brief introduction to mangroves, their location, threats, and preservation methods.
  • Is This My Home?
    Tyler the Tiger is lost and searching for his habitat. He explores different habitats, learning about them along the way.
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  • All About Tigers
    This book provides information about different species of tigers, their diet, characteristics, habitat, lifespan, predators, groups, and weight.
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