Marathon Books

  • TERRY FOX RUN 2014!
    A story about Terry Fox and his mission to raise money for cancer research through a marathon run, with a plea for donations.
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  • Run D-Mac Run
    Dave, a young man from Kentucky, trains for marathons with friends. After setbacks, he completes his goal of running a marathon in all 50 states, celebrating with loved ones …
  • Ariel's Big Win!
    Ariel, a police officer in Mine Town, prepares for a marathon while also dealing with a sudden crime. She saves the day and wins the race.
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  • Battle of Marathon
    The story of Darius, the King of Persia, and his failed attempts to conquer Sparta and Athens.
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  • The Story Of Terry Fox
    The story of Terry Fox, a Canadian athlete who overcame cancer and inspired millions with his Marathon of Hope.
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  • Terry Fox
    The story of Terry Fox, a Canadian athlete who overcame cancer and inspired millions with his Marathon of Hope.
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  • Tina's Tale
    Tina, Flinn, and Delfi swim a marathon in the Atlantic Ocean. Tina gets caught in plastic, but humans rescue her. They promise to recycle, and the turtles win the race.
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  • The Battle of Marathon
    The Battle of Marathon was a historic battle between Greece and Persia. The Athenians, with the help of their hoplite soldiers and a runner named Pheidippides, successfully d…
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