Marie Antoinette Books

  • Marie Antoinette
    A presentation about Marie Antoinette's life and lifestyle, with links to videos and images. The author shares their reaction and sources.
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  • The Poor Take Over
    A brief overview of the French Revolution, including the three estates, the role of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, the storming of the Bastille, and the rise of Maximilien d…
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  • Marie Antoinette
    Suzy narrates the story of Marie Antoinette, her reign, and the consequences of her indifference towards the people, leading to her trial and execution during the French Revo…
  • The French Revolution
    The story is a detailed account of the French Revolution, covering key events and figures. It explores the causes, major incidents like the storming of Bastille, Reign of Ter…
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  • The Cake Queen: A Slice of Kindness
    Have you ever thought if we lived in history, how things will turn ? Well We grade 8 students from Saudi Arabia with our teacher Ms Abir Tahar have created this masterpiece. …
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  • The Life and Death of Marie Antoinette
    Marie Antoinette's life from her birth in Austria to her execution in France, highlighting her marriage, struggles, and the events leading to the French Revolution.
  • The French Revolution
    A brief overview of the French Revolution, including key events and figures.
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  • Austria ABC
    An alphabetical tour of Austria, covering its culture, history, and notable figures.
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