Martha Custis Books

    The life and accomplishments of George Washington, from his birth to his presidency and retirement.
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  • George Washington
    The story of George Washington's life, from his birth to his marriage to Martha Custis.
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  • Meet George! The Biography of George Washington
    The life and achievements of George Washington, from his early years to his presidency and legacy.
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  • George washington.
    A brief biography of George Washington, from his birth in Virginia to his presidency and military leadership.
  • ABC's of George Washington
    A brief overview of George Washington's life, achievements, and key facts.
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  • George Washington
    This book provides a brief overview of George Washington's life, from his birth in Virginia to his presidency and retirement. It includes key events and milestones.
  • The Life and Times of George Washington
    This book provides a detailed biography of George Washington, from his childhood to his presidency and legacy.
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  • I Was The First President
    A biography of George Washington, the first president of the United States, from his birth to his death, highlighting his achievements and contributions.
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