Mastery Books

  • To become a Ninja Master
    A young ninja was sent off to find a way to become a master ninja and find his dream of being the best ninja in the world.
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  • Mastery Vs Performance Goal
    A librarian helps a frustrated student in the maker space by encouraging them to focus on passion over grades, leading to a positive shift in their perspective on learning.
  • Path of the Rising Spirit: A Journey through Martial Arts Mastery
    Jake, a martial arts enthusiast, travels to Japan to find a mentor. He trains hard, faces challenges, and learns the philosophical aspects of martial arts. Jake returns home …
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  • Japanese Cultures
    An informative book about various aspects of Japanese culture, including traditions, religion, sports, food, tea, geisha, gardens, manga, samurai, kabuki, and cherry blossoms.
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  • Mastery of the Periodic Table of Elements
    An informative book about the Periodic Table, its groups, families, and elements, their properties, and uses.
  • The Bible Club!
    Hello! I'm Alaina (and Lilah, the Assistant Bible Leader) and this is The Bible Club!

    Here you will find:

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  • All About Technology
    The story is a reflective piece about the author's journey of learning and understanding various technological tools. It discusses their initial apprehensions, experiences, a…
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  • Gordon
    Gordon, an inventor, teams up with Hello Kitty to create a Community Builder machine for the Great Invention Contest, aiming to unite and help their town. His practical inven…
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