Mayflower Compact Books

  • The Voyage of the Pilgrims
    Elizabeth Hopkins recounts her family's journey on the Mayflower to the New World, their struggles in Plymouth, and their friendship with Native Americans.
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  • The Real Story of Thanksgiving
    The story of the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving, from their journey to America to the establishment of Thanksgiving as a national holiday.
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  • The Magna Carta and the Mayflower Compact
    The story discusses the Magna Carta and the Mayflower Compact, their historical context, and their influence on the US Constitution.
  • The Mayflower Trip
    The story of the Pilgrims, their journey from England to America, and their establishment in Plymouth.
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  • The ABCs of the First Thanksgiving
    An overview of the first Thanksgiving, discussing the experiences of the pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe.
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  • The First Thanksgiving
    A brief history of the Pilgrims and their journey to the New World, including their interactions with Native Americans and the first Thanksgiving.
  • history
    A brief overview of the reasons for people coming to the New World, the Triangle Trade, Jamestown, Plymouth, Mayflower Compact, and Colonial Government.
  • New England Colonies
    An overview of the New England colonies, their founders, economy, government, and Puritan beliefs.
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