Medical Emergency Books

  • The Adventures of Nursing
    Ever wondered what it would be like in a day and life of a Nurse. Take a look inside and explore...The Adventures of Nursing
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  • The Different Three Little Pigs
    The three little pigs go on an adventure, encounter a medical emergency, and help their friend. They live happily ever after.
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  • Jimmy's bad week -The Story-
    Jimmy experiences a series of unfortunate events, including burning his hand, a friend's medical emergency, straining his arm, and suffering from a heat stroke.
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  • The Journey of Titus
    Titus, a young football player, faces challenges from injuries to cancer. With determination and faith, he overcomes them and achieves his dreams.
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    While out on a routine mission, fighter pilot Pip Popp finds's jet runs into mechanical difficulties. But rather than crashing to the ground below, Pip is transported to a st…
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  • First Aid Story Book
    A ninja, robot, and alien encounter a medical emergency and work together to save the alien's life.
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  • Lucia Parker private eye Amy Lorell's deadly secret
    Detective Lucia is a story about a twelve-year-old girl named Lucia who starts a detective business. She encounters various challenges, including school assignments and famil…
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    Odell is a 14 year old football star. During the last game of the season he breaks his wrist and is rushed to the hospital. And although his football season may be over, Odel…
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