Medical Profession Books

  • Lottie Isabel Blake
    The inspiring life of Lottie Isabel Blake, the first African American Seventh Day Adventist physician, missionary, and educator.
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    A brief introduction to the profession of doctors, their tools, types, and what they wear. It also asks readers about their dream job.
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  • The Adventures of Nursing
    Ever wondered what it would be like in a day and life of a Nurse. Take a look inside and explore...The Adventures of Nursing
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  • The Wit Film
    Vivian Bearing, an English professor with terminal ovarian cancer, reflects on her treatment and the medical professionals she encounters. The story explores patient-centered…
  • Surgical Nurse
    A surgical nurse describes their demanding job, responsibilities, and the importance of their work.
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  • Sir, your comment wasn't nice
    A patient with osteoporosis questions the doctor's treatment and reflects on the medical profession, only to be surprised by the doctor's response.
  • My dream job
    A description of the job of a dermatologist, including required skills, education, and salary.
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  • Who do you want to be
    Several children express their ambitions to become doctors and their reasons for choosing this profession.
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