My Public / Unpublished Books (15)

  • A collection of short, disjointed sentences and phrases about drawing, animals, and personal experiences.
    by Hazel Sale
    Eye Icon 112
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  • A collection of short sentences about drawing, ice cream, and princesses at the beach.
    by Hazel Sale
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  • The story discusses the significance of falcons and camels in UAE's history and culture.
    by Hazel Sale
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  • A collection of short poems and a story written by various 2A students.
    by Hazel Sale
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  • A collection of short poems about various animals and pets, with some spelling and grammar errors.
    by Hazel Sale
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  • A child describes the fun activities they do with their friends, including playing games, going outside, swimming, shopping, baking, and more.
    by Hazel Sale
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  • by Hazel Sale
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  • Tom accidentally breaks a window while playing football and runs away. His friend advises him to apologize, but Tom decides to tell the truth when the police get involved. He is forgiven and rewarded for his honesty.
    by Hazel Sale
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  • A description of various animals on a farm, their characteristics, and uses.
    by Hazel Sale
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  • A collection of short stories featuring various superheroes saving the day in different situations.
    by Hazel Sale
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  • Two friends, Hassan and the narrator, get dogs and have an adventure during their spring holiday. They get into a car crash, get lost in the forest, and are eventually saved by their other friend Joud and their dogs.
    by Hazel Sale
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  • A brief introduction to the profession of doctors, their tools, types, and what they wear. It also asks readers about their dream job.
    by Hazel Sale
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  • A brief introduction to goldfish, walruses, and roses, including some basic facts about each.
    by Hazel Sale
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  • A brother and sister go through a day of school, playtime, and family activities.
    by Hazel Sale
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  • by Hazel Sale
    Eye Icon 38
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