Medication Books

  • My Sister
    "My Sister" is a children's book dedicated addressing the stigma associated with taking prescription medication for mental illness. Please check out the website: https://do…
  • Medications are NOT all good!!!!
    Alice wakes up feeling sick and her mom takes her to the doctor. Her sister Mia accidentally takes Alice's medicine and ends up in the hospital.
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  • Understanding ADHD
    This short book is a book that discusses in general terms of what ADHD is. This book will be uploaded to story jumper.
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  • Manageable Monsters
    Brad is seeing monsters and his behavior changes. His mom takes him to the doctor, who diagnoses him with Schizophrenia. Brad meets with a therapist and takes medication to m…
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  • Depression
    An informative text about depression, its symptoms, treatment options, and impact on individuals. It emphasizes the importance of seeking help and reducing stigma.
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  • Katie has Depression.
    Katie, a girl with depression, goes through a difficult journey of sadness, loss of interest, and suicidal thoughts. With the help of therapy and medication, she starts to fe…
  • Annie and her panic disorder
    Annie, a girl with a panic disorder, shares her experiences and coping mechanisms, spreading a message of self-acceptance and support.
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  • A Boy Named David!
    David, a young boy with ADHD, struggles in school until he is diagnosed and prescribed medication that helps him improve.
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