Medications Books

  • My Sister
    "My Sister" is a children's book dedicated addressing the stigma associated with taking prescription medication for mental illness. Please check out the website: https://do…
  • Medications are NOT all good!!!!
    Alice wakes up feeling sick and her mom takes her to the doctor. Her sister Mia accidentally takes Alice's medicine and ends up in the hospital.
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  • Annie's Story
    Annie's mommy starts acting strange, but with the help of medication and understanding, Annie's world returns to normal.
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  • Aztecs A-Z Book
    An informative book about the civilization of the Aztecs, covering topics such as their alphabet system, birthdays, chocolate, daily life, entertainment, food, government, ho…
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  • Captain Coo's Journey to Health Island
    Captain Coo travels to Health Island, helping animals with various medical conditions. He educates readers on symptoms, prevention, and treatment.
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  • I can't pay attention to my teacher !
    Katie's grades are dropping, so she talks to her teacher and they discover she has ADHD. With treatment, Katie's grades improve.
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  • My Sheep Emily
    Emily, a sheep with depression, meets new animals and eventually finds happiness through medication and support.
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  • Sickle Cell Disease
    Learn all about sickle cell disease, how it affects a person, and when it was discovered.
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