Microsoft Books

  • Minecraft History
    A brief history of Minecraft, its updates, popularity, and impact on YouTube channels.
    Eye Icon 11316
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  • Apple vs. Microsoft Copyright Infringement
    The story of the Apple vs. Microsoft copyright infringement case from 1988-1994, highlighting the battles and legal disputes between the two companies.
  • Piracy Pirate vs Microsoft Man
    A pirate wants new games, so he downloads pirated ones. Microsoft man warns him about copyright infringement. The pirate considers starting a blog and using public domain ima…
  • Microsoft (Spanish)
    This book is based on the history and future of Microsoft and it's creators(in spanish).
  • Video Game Revolution
    A brief history of video game development, focusing on Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and Microsoft.
    Eye Icon 22
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  • I Survived Virtual Learning. 2020-2021
    A student reflects on their experience of virtual learning during the pandemic, highlighting challenges, achievements, and appreciation for their teacher.
    Eye Icon 321
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  • MKL-172
    An email discussing the appointment of Barbara Szarmach as a self manager at Microsoft, along with a brief history of the company.
    Eye Icon 15
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