Military Tactics Books

  • patriots and the loyalist
    A discussion about choosing between being a patriot or a loyalist during the American Revolution, with reasons favoring the patriots.
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  • Mandela's Civil Rights Fight
    This book provides a biography of Nelson Mandela, his early life, conflicts, advocacy, accomplishments, and how he is remembered.
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  • Social Studies
    A historical account of the French and Indian War, including battles, strategies, and the impact on British colonists.
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  • The French and Indian War Chapter 5
    A brief overview of the French and Indian War, its effects, British response, competing empires, and early British defeats.
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  • Art of War
    The Art of War is a classic military strategy book that explores various aspects of warfare, including leadership, tactics, and intelligence.
  • History of Vietnam War
    A comprehensive overview of the Vietnam War, including its causes, key events, major battles, key figures, impact, and legacy.
    Lily embarks on a time-traveling adventure with Dr. Maya's invention, exploring ancient Egypt and a futuristic city.
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  • My Favorite Metal Band
    A brief overview of the Swedish heavy/power metal band Sabaton, their albums, and their historical themes.
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