Miller Urey Experiment Books

  • Miller learn to fly
    Miller, a sad little dragon with short arms and big wings, is bullied at Dragon school. He learns to fly and becomes a hero, gaining friends and confidence.
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  • Nathan Miller
    Craig the Crab learns a valuable lesson about not judging others by their appearance when he meets Steve the Shark.
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  • Save the Puppies
    Rayne E. Miller has a love for endangered puppies. She created her book to address the need to rescue homeless puppies.
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    A collection of science experiments from different countries, covering topics such as chemistry, refraction, plant cultivation, and more.
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  • My First Book About Crocodiles and Alligators
    Ryan T. Miller is a young science “guy”. He researched the information for his first published book. Ryan’s next project will focus on The Blue Whale.
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  • Let's Test It: Our Experiments
    This book guides children on how to think, explore, and experiment like a scientist. It introduces the scientific method and applies it in three lab experiments: Density Lab,…
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    During a school picnic, Mack Miller wanders off into the woods and ends up falling asleep. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a whole new world. A world that is on the ver…
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  • My Science Experiment
    A group of students conduct a science experiment to identify the best conductor of heat, concluding that bubble wrap is the best insulator.
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