Miners Books

  • The Amazing Story of the Zing
    A former library aide at a school in Maryland, decorated the library one day with colorful yarn. She strung it here & there and just about everywhere...even out into the…
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  • Doge
    Doge, the son of a famous Dogecoin miner, continues his father's legacy by mining Dogecoins on the moon.
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  • From a Hard Hat to a Halo
    A coal miner's daughter reflects on her father's hard work and tragic death, finding solace in the belief that he is now mining gold for God in Heaven.
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  • Gems
    A book about different types of gems, their value, and birthstones. Written by Emerald Miner.
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  • The Miner
    A miner helps a royal family find gold, but he uses his own secret spot. The king and queen let him stay.
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  • Greg Rice
    The story follows Greg Rice, a tiny person with a beautiful voice who becomes a gold miner. He helps his greedy crew find gold for the poor and faces challenges along the way.
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  • Mining, Mining, Mined!
    A miner and his friends embark on a dangerous adventure in a mine filled with lava, precious minerals, and unexpected dangers. They encounter various challenges including fal…
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  • Rocky the Miner
    Rocky, a man who loves rocks and minerals, goes mining and finds a valuable mineral. He also finds a rock and becomes rich.
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