Modern Countries Books

  • 7th Grade World History
    A tour guide takes readers on a journey through world history, covering topics such as geography, government, culture, religion, river civilizations, age of empires, coloniza…
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  • Vaught's World History Jadelyn Mack
    A child provides an overview of various topics including geography, economics, government, culture, religion, river civilizations, age of empires, colonization, and modern co…
  • Sports Around the World
    An ABC book covering a wide range of sports, from A to Z!
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  • The Only World History Book You'll Ever Need
    This is an informative book about various topics including geography, economics, government types, cultures, religions, historical civilizations, empires, colonization, and m…
  • By: Cadence Hamilton
    A brief overview of various subjects including geography, economics, government, river civilizations, colonization, modern countries, and religions.
  • Japanese Cultures
    An informative book about various aspects of Japanese culture, including traditions, religion, sports, food, tea, geisha, gardens, manga, samurai, kabuki, and cherry blossoms.
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  • The Adventures of Singapore
    A historical account of Singapore's colonization, struggle for independence, and challenges faced as a modern country.
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  • 7th Grade World History
    A 7th-grade student reflects on their social studies lessons, covering topics such as geography, economics, government, culture, religion, river civilizations, age of empires…
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