Momotaro Books

  • The Legend of Momotaro
    A popular Japanese folktale about a boy, born from a peach, who helps the local villagers fight a menacing band of demons.
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  • Momotaro - The Peach Boy
    Momotaro- The Peach Boy for year 5 pupils unit 10. The script 100% from textbook year 5 KSSR.
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  • The Legend of Momotaro
    The Legend of Momotaro is a Japanese folktale about a boy who is born from a peach and goes on a journey to defeat demons and bring back stolen treasure.
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  • Peach Boy
    A Japanese folktale about Momotaro, a boy born from a peach, who goes on a journey with animal friends to defeat ogres and bring peace to his village.
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  • Storyboard
    The Legend of Momotaro is a Japanese folktale about a boy who is born from a peach and goes on a quest to defeat demons. He succeeds and is rewarded with marriage to the Empe…
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  • The legend of MOMOTARO
    One day, the old man went out to the forest to cut some trees, while his wife carried their laundry to the river for washing. While the woman was scrubbing her clothes, she w…
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  • The Legend
    The Legend of Momotaro is a Japanese folktale about a boy who is born from a peach and goes on a journey to defeat demons and bring back stolen treasure.
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  • Momotaro-The Peach Boy
    She show the peach to her husband and placed it against the wall. Suddenly, the peach started moving. They were surprised to see....
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