Monastery Books

    This history of medieval Cyprus, which is full of hatred, passions, love, lies and intrigue, inspired the poetic world of the island. And since then the song of Arodafnousa b…
  • The Legend Of Nekresi
    Nekresi Monastery in Georgia is a complex of ecclesiastical buildings with a rich history, including battles against Persians and Muslim invasions.
  • Emeryk and the Deer
    A story about a prince who encounters a deer with a cross between its antlers, leading to the construction of a monastery.
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  • The beauties of Moldova
    A description of various historical and cultural sites in Moldova, including a monastery, fortress, and mansion.
  • Orheiul vechi
    The story provides information about the historical and archaeological complex of Old Orhei, including its history, landmarks, and significance.
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  • Historical monuments of Trikala region !
    The story explores the natural and historical monuments in the Prefecture of Trikala, including the castle of Trikala, the old city of Varousi, Kursum Mosque, the central bri…
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  • Places to visit in Republic of Moldova
    A travel guide to Moldova, exploring its capital city, historical sites, wineries, and monasteries.
  • A Trip about Moldova
    A family trip to a monastery, fortress, and Gipsies region in Soroca. They took pictures, explored, and enjoyed the experience.
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