Mothra Books

  • Godzilla king of the monsters
    Hi guys this will be a very cool book about Godzilla.
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  • Godzilla INC.
    Godzilla and Mothra collaborate to build houses using a special tool, but the consequences lead to a trade-off. They find a way to have fun without harming humans.
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    Neville Sarle is an obnoxious kid who likes to pull pranks on his classmates. But is he really a bad guy or is he just looking for attention? After fooling around with his sc…
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  • Giant Movie Monsters: Godzilla
    This book provides a brief history of Godzilla, the famous movie monster, from its creation in 1954 to its continued popularity today.
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  • Shellfire17's Monsterverse: Attack of the Mecha Titans
    A scientist creates Mecha-Titans, but chaos ensues when they turn against him. Godzilla and his friends save the day.
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  • Legendary Godzilla
    On Kaiju Island, Godzilla and his friend Mothra face the villain Gigan and his creation, MechaGodzilla, in an epic battle to protect their home and each other.
  • ABC's of my 3 favorite monsters from show i love to watch.
    A child named Devin shares his favorite movie monsters, including Godzilla, King Kong, and Rodan.
  • godzilla, world of monsters
    This letter introduces various titans, including Godzilla and his foes, detailing their powers and histories, while warning readers about their dangers.
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