Motifs Books

  • Macbeth Motifs
    Is ABC Mouse just not good enough for you? Do you feel the need to push your child to the breaking point, starting at ages 2-7? Then this is exactly what you deranged parents…
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    Hey there! If you want to know all about Nightmare Fredbear,then read this!!!
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  • Easter in Romania
    Maria talks about Romanian Easter traditions, including egg dying, Holy Light, traditional motifs, and food.
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  • Nature's ABC's of Incredible Insects
    An alphabetical collection of short descriptions about various insects and bugs, each starting with a letter of the alphabet.
    by M M
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  • Common story 2024
    Two classmates, Mia and Emma, embark on a journey to explore the world outside their village. Along the way, they meet interesting people and experience beautiful nature scen…
  • The Importance of  BeingEarnest
    This is a comprehensive guide to Oscar Wilde's play 'The Importance of Being Earnest'. It includes character introductions, act summaries, vocabulary lists, discussion questi…
  • Easter traditions around Europe
    A collection of Easter traditions from different countries, including Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Turkey, Croatia, and Greece.
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    A brief overview of Tunisia, including its history, architecture, traditional clothing, and cuisine.
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