Mountaineering Books

  • Sports Around the World
    An ABC book covering a wide range of sports, from A to Z!
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  • No Summit Out of Sight
    No Summit Out Of Sight is a book by Jordan Romero. This story book tells about what he did on his humongous adventure.
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  • The Girl Who Had a Dream
    Maya, a young girl, dreams of doing something amazing and decides to climb Mount Everest. With determination and hard work, she achieves her goal.
    by s3k
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  • The Climb Up Mt. Everest
    Eli and Joe embark on a journey to climb Mt. Everest, encountering various themes of geography along the way.
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  • Dangerous Sports
    This story provides brief descriptions of various sports and activities, including mountaineering, rafting, BASE jumping, parkour, surfing, wrestling, and NASCAR.
  • 偉大な上昇 (The Great Climb)
    Mai Ling, also known as Tammy, prepares to climb Mount Everest. She trains, raises money, and embarks on the journey with a guide. Inspired by her ancestor, she successfully …
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  • The expedition to the snowy mountain
    A group of explorers embarks on a challenging expedition to ascend a snowy mountain, facing various climates and terrains along the way.
    A brief introduction to the city of Kastamonu in Turkey, including its architecture, natural attractions, history, crafts, and food.
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