Movie Adaptation Books

  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid
    The story of how the 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' book series was created, turned into a movie, and the process of casting and filming.
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  • The ABCs of Taylor Swift
    An alphabetical list of facts and trivia about Taylor Swift, covering her life, career, and achievements.
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  • The Art of War
    A brief overview of Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War', its influence, and potential movie adaptations.
  • Bella Swan
    The story revolves around Isabella 'Bella' Marie Cullen, the protagonist of the Twilight Saga. It details her life from birth to becoming a vampire, her relationships, and he…
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  • The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
    Arthur Dent and his alien friend Ford Prefect embark on a series of intergalactic adventures after Earth is destroyed to make way for a space road.
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  • The Eager Beavers and Miss. Santacruz
    This book is an adaptation of The Eager Beavers and Mr. Oldkool. It is ment to help ESL and EFL teachers teach idioms in a fun and dynamic way.
  • The story of X-men
    The X-Men is a group of mutants with superpowers who fight for acceptance in society. They have appeared in comics, movies, and TV shows.
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  • Is the President Dangerous?
    Bob Woodward's book 'Fear: Trump in the White House' provides an inside look at the early days of Donald Trump's presidency and raises questions about his fitness for office.
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