Multiples Books

  • Jelle Van Vucht
    Jelly, a Dutch YouTuber, starts his career playing games with friends and gains popularity. He has a girlfriend, multiple channels, and a merchandise store.
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  • Dream Big Bessie!
    This book tells the inspiring story of Bessie Coleman, the first licensed African American female aviator in the United States, and her journey to achieve her dream of becomi…
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  • The Magical Threads of Threadsville: A Tale of Two Journeys
    In this sequel to The Magical Threads of Threadsville, return to the magical town where every piece of clothing has a story! A Tale of Two Journeys follows Tina, a cheerful t…
  • Amy's Kittens
    The story follows Amy, a Calico cat, and her journey of motherhood, as she gives birth to multiple litters of kittens and raises them with the help of her human family.
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  • How Ben Saved The Olympics
    11-year-old Ben Goman dreams of attending the Olympics in Tokyo. When budget cuts lead to a combined sports event, Ben's exceptional performance in multiple sports catches th…
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