Museums Books

  • Jumping For Joy: A Day at The Museum
    Paisley, a girl with sensory sensitivities, overcomes her fears and enjoys a visit to The Children's Museum of Indianapolis on a low-sensory day.
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  • The Discovery
    Rayna and Ariel go on a mission to save lost earrings from a thief. With their mom's help, they succeed and return the earrings to the museum.
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  • Welcome to Second Grade
    A brief introduction to a second-grade classroom and the activities they engage in, including learning to write, going on field trips, and visiting art museums.
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  • Growing Out of The Museum
    Eric, a boy who used to love The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, grows disinterested as he gets older. However, a visit with his family changes his perspective and he star…
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  • The Land of Lego Stories
    This collection of stories revolves around children's adventures in various settings such as a museum, an abandoned house, and space. The narratives are filled with suspense,…
  • Benji and Teddy: A Museum Adventure
    Benji, a boy who dislikes people, goes on a field trip to a museum with his favorite bear, Teddy. Benji forgets Teddy but finds him later and learns to have fun and overcome …
  • Caden and the NFL Museum
    Caden learns about football at the NFL Hall of Fame museum and plays with his family in the backyard.
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  • A Gray Day
    Theo reluctantly visits a museum but has a transformative experience when he discovers exhibits on puzzles, mysteries, and history.
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