Music Industry Books

  • Who was Michael Jackson?
    This is a biography of Michael Jackson, from his childhood to his rise as a pop icon and his untimely death. It highlights his musical achievements and impact on the music in…
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    Martin Garrix is a Dutch DJ and producer known for his hit single 'Animals'. He started his career at a young age and has achieved great success in the electronic music indus…
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  • Ariana Grande
    A biography of Ariana Grande, an American singer, songwriter, and actress known for her vocal range and pop-R&B music. She has achieved numerous accolades and is a promin…
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  • All About Gloria Estefan
    The story of Gloria Estefan, a Cuban-American singer who overcame challenges and achieved success in the music industry.
  • The Weeknd
    The Weeknd's rise to fame, personal struggles, and achievements in the music industry.
  • The Great Thomas Edison
    The story of Thomas Edison and his invention of the phonograph, which revolutionized the music industry.
  • The Life of Duke Ellington
    The story of Duke Ellington, a prominent black male musician in jazz history, his life, achievements, and impact on the music industry.
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  • Sia
    The story provides information about the singer Sia, her experiences in the music industry, her wealth, her personal life, and her health condition.
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