Myosin Books

  • My Myosin Adventures!
    Myosin, a fibrous protein, shares its adventures of trying to unite with Actin and defeat Tropomyosin to create muscle contractions.
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  • My Life as a Myosin Fiber
    A myosin fiber explains the process of muscle contraction, including the role of myosin, actin, ATP, and calcium.
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  • The Adventures Of Myosin Filament
    A fairy named Myosin saves Contractoville from the jealous Tropomyosin with the help of other fairies. The story also includes information about muscle contractions.
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  • The Sliding Filament Theory
    A story about the process of muscular contraction, using characters to represent different components.
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  • My Name is Myosin, Myosin Filament
    Myosin, a motor protein, explains the process of muscle contraction and the role of various proteins involved.
  • Myosin's Story
    Myosin the elephant misses his friend Actin the giraffe and seeks help from ATP the tiger to move the rock of Troponin and reunite with Actin.
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  • Myosin Man and Calcium Kid
    Calcium Kid and Myosin Man rescue a cat named Binding from a tree using their superhero powers, but the cat gets stuck again.
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    A educational book about the different types of muscles and their functions, with a focus on skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles.
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