Mysterious Books

  • The Mysterious Secrets of the Universe
    Inferno and his swamp monster companion embark on an exciting adventure through outer space. They encounter various celestial bodies, face dangers, and meet new characters. T…
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  • The Mysterious Man
    The villagers came rushing to Coolap and told him about the missing items. What will Coolap do? Find out in the book.
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  • The Mysterious Closet
    Pablo and Jonny get in trouble with their teacher, Mrs. B., and are sent to a closet. They find a secret passage to another dimension where they meet a new teacher, Mrs. S., …
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  • Mysterious River
    A tiger and his friends embark on an adventure along a blue river in a gray forest, leading to a surprising transformation.
  • Mysterious Island Mission Trip
    Josh, a 1st-grader, goes on a mission trip to a mysterious island with his church. He overcomes fear and shares his love for Jesus with the people there.
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  • Arya and the Mysterious Monster
    Arya overcomes her fear of monsters with the help of her family and some homemade monster spray.
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    Four girls go on an adventure during an eclipse and encounter a Minotaur, a hidden land, and a mysterious temple.
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