My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • The story describes the journey of settlers to Jamestown, their struggles, and the resources they found. It ends with a question and a moral lesson.
    by sdtesterman
    Eye Icon 7201
    Star Icon 5
  • An informative text about symbols, using Virginia as an example. It explains what symbols are and provides examples of symbols in Virginia, such as the state flag, bird, and …
    by sdtesterman
    Eye Icon 5900
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  • Josh, a 1st-grader, goes on a mission trip to a mysterious island with his church. He overcomes fear and shares his love for Jesus with the people there.
    by sdtesterman
    Eye Icon 3646
  • An informative book about various marine animals and their characteristics, with references to God's creation.
    by sdtesterman
    Eye Icon 596

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