Nation Of Islam Books

  • Malcolm X
    The story of Malcolm X, an African American civil rights activist, from his troubled childhood to his influential role in the Nation of Islam.
  • My Most Inspired Person: Malcolm X
    The life and impact of Malcolm X, from his troubled childhood to his transformation into a civil rights leader and his tragic assassination.
  • What is God?
    Savannah takes readers on an adventure to learn about different religions around the world. She talks to religious figures from First Nations, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Ch…
  • Turkish National and Spiritual Values Dictionary ali kağan kaynar
    A book about Turkish values, including love, respect, goodness, responsibility, hospitality, morality, tolerance, and friendship.
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    This is an informative guide to various world religions, including Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, Buddhism, Native Spirituality, and Judaism. The book provides a basic understandi…
  • All about Social Studies
    I made this book in Mr. Vaughts 7th History class. East Noble Middle School Class of 2015-2016
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    The book tells the inspiring life story of Malcolm X, his fight for equality, challenges faced, and impact on history.
  • Muhammad Ali
    The story of Muhammad Ali, from his bike being stolen to his rise as a boxing legend and controversial figure.
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