Natural History Books

  • Northern Europe
    The story provides a detailed overview of Northern Europe, covering its physical features, climate, natural resources, and history. It also delves into the specific character…
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  • Natural History Museum
    Join Amy on a trip to the Natural History Museum as she explores different zones and reveals Earth's secrets.
  • The Dashing Discoveries of Jazmyne & Jade Jazmyne & Jade Visits the Museum of Natural History
    Jazmyne and Jade go on a Saturday adventure to the Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC. They explore dinosaur bones, gems, ancient artifacts, and learn about herpetol…
  • Extinct Animals Of The World
    A collection of short descriptions about extinct animals, their characteristics, habitats, and reasons for extinction.
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  • The Life of an American Bison
    In this book you will find an exciting and informative guide to the fascinating world of the American Bison. Offering a lively and readable wealth of material on the bison’s…
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  • Country Overview: Palestine
    These are the notes of a young girl learning about Palestine and her Palestinian heritage.
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  • MOLDOVAN National Museum of Etnografy and Natural History
    The story describes the history and collections of the first museum in Moldova, including its exhibits and their significance.
  • My Mom And I
    A heartwarming story about a child's close relationship with their animal-loving mom, their adventures, hobbies, and the strong bond they share.
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