Neolithic Books

  • Paleolithic to Neolithic
    A brief overview of the Paleolithic and Neolithic times, highlighting the transition from hunter-gatherer to farming communities.
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  • Life in the Neolithic Age
    Nel and Nick teach about the Neolithic and Paleolithic Age, discussing food supply, communities, and shelters.
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  • Paleolithic Age vs Neolithic Age
    Nel and Nick discuss the changes from the Paleolithic Age to the Neolithic Age, including shelter, trade, and agriculture.
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  • The Paleolithic and Neolithic Age
    A brief overview of the Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages, highlighting advancements in farming, domestication of animals, and trade.
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  • In the Neolithic Age with Nick and Nel
    A comparison of life in the Paleolithic and Neolithic times, focusing on changes in housing, food production, and community size.
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  • Neolithic Nick and Nel
    A brief overview of the changes in jobs, shelters, food sources, and trading from Paleolithic times to present day.
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  • The Stone Age
    A group of people explain the differences between the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages, including changes in food supply, community size, shelter, and jobs.
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  • Adventures of Nick and Nel
    A brief overview of the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages, with some inaccuracies and lack of coherence.
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