New World Books

  • The Voyage of the Pilgrims
    Elizabeth Hopkins recounts her family's journey on the Mayflower to the New World, their struggles in Plymouth, and their friendship with Native Americans.
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  • My Whole New World
    A young dinosaur describes its new world and introduces various dinosaur species.
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  • Little Bear is Stuck at Home
    This book goes along with the Little Bear series. It is about the main character, Little Bear, who faces tough times during this awful COVID-19 self-isolation.
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  • Diary of a Minecraft Creeper The First Book
    Fred is about to discover the new world! Adventure with Fred in the new world and Find out what happens in the following books.
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  • Grandpa, What Did You Do When You Were Little Without A Phone?
    When he was little and before there were mobile phones, grandpa found many ways to live an interesting life.
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  • Barney the Fire Truck
    This story is based on a real fire truck from Baltimore that wound up halfway around the world. I hope it reassures children that change can be good.
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  • Christopher Columbus and the New World
    The story of Christopher Columbus, his passion for the ocean, his journey to find a new route to India, and his accidental discovery of America.
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  • The Beginning
    What happens when a god gets bored, he creates a new world and people to populate it.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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