Nightclub Books

  • How Sara Evans and Bre met
    Bre and her friends go to a nightclub and meet Sara Evans, an amazing singer. They learn about her life and career.
  • Project 2: Storyjumper
    A child excitedly plans their trip to Cancun, including visits to various parks and a nightclub.
  • 'Think before you Drink!'
    Andy and Leon go to a nightclub, where Leon buys them vodka martinis. Andy refuses to drink, but Leon drinks both and leaves Andy worried. Leon crashes and dies, teaching the…
    What happens when you bring a washed up rock 'n roller, a determined young girl, and a pair of polar bears together? Read this book and find out!
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  • The Weeknd
    The Weeknd's rise to fame, personal struggles, and achievements in the music industry.
  • The Life of Duke Ellington
    The story of Duke Ellington, a prominent black male musician in jazz history, his life, achievements, and impact on the music industry.
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  • Lucifer
    Lucifer, a former ruler of Hell, runs a nightclub in Los Angeles and helps the police solve crimes. He faces threats from his angelic brothers and seeks therapy to deal with …
  • Important Women in Black History
    Biographies of six influential African-American women who made significant contributions in various fields.
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