Novelist Books

  • Alliterative Story of School
    A collection of random sentences, each starting with a different letter of the alphabet, showcasing various activities and events at school.
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  • David Mitchell
    This is a brief biography of English novelist and screenwriter David Mitchell, including his early life, education, and notable works in literature and film.
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    This is a biography of Chetan Bhagat, a famous Indian novelist. It covers his upbringing, education, writing career, and achievements.
    Biography of Charles Dickens, a British novelist and social commentator known for his classic novels such as Oliver Twist and A Tale of Two Cities.
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  • Butterfly Catchers
    Samuel and Sylvia catch a butterfly, but realize they should set her free. The butterfly promises to visit them every spring.
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  • Robert Louis Stevenson
    This is a biography of Robert Louis Stevenson, a Scottish novelist and travel writer known for his works such as Treasure Island and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
  • Kelli was a Little Lamb
    Kelli, a teacher's assistant, loves reading and dreams of becoming a teacher. She enjoys various genres but dislikes college textbooks.
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  • Jean Toomer
    This is a biography of Jean Toomer, an African American poet and novelist. It covers his life, education, writing career, and personal life.
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