Nutrition Books

  • Chocolate Milk Should Be Banned!
    A persuasive essay arguing against serving chocolate milk in schools due to its high sugar and calorie content, which can lead to childhood obesity.
    Eye Icon 22585
    Star Icon 154
  • Healthy Food
    The story introduces different types of food and categorizes them as healthy or unhealthy. It also includes pictures of unhealthy food.
    Eye Icon 3551
    Star Icon 160
  • A Story of Fruits and Vegetables
    The vegetables and fruits in the kitchen have a meeting to discuss their differences, but ultimately learn to appreciate each other's nutritional value.
    Eye Icon 29381
    Star Icon 101
  • Organic Girl & Earth Defender
    Organic Girl and Earth Defender take on The Evil M and GMOs, but they need your help!
    Eye Icon 4330
    Star Icon 112
  • Good Health
    Mr. Blackthorn seeks to live a healthier life by making changes to his breakfast and dinner routines.
    Eye Icon 6544
    Star Icon 146
  • Healthy Living Activities For Children
    Excellent for educators of preschool/elementary age students. A book of suggested children activities to inspire awareness in achieving a healthier lifestyle. Written by a …
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  • A Tour of Macromolecules
    Dr. Garfield takes readers on a tour of macromolecules, explaining lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and proteins, as well as important processes like dehydration synthes…
    Eye Icon 8443
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  • Healthy Eating
    A simple and informative story about the importance of eating healthy and taking care of your body.
    Eye Icon 8572
    Star Icon 40
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