Objectives Books

  • Games I Like To Play
    The story discusses the games Fortnite and NBA 2k18, providing information about their gameplay, objectives, and the author's opinion.
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  • Handy Harold and the Missing Emerald
    Harold, a detective, searches for a missing emerald. He follows clues, suspects Thomas, and recovers the emerald.
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  • stumble guys
    Stumble Guys is a multi-platform game where players complete objectives and eliminate competitors. It features various currencies, skins, and emotes.
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  • The four objectives
    A collection of short explanations about majority rules, the federal system, the census, and the rule of law.
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  • Godzilla
    These pictures are from a movie called "Godzilla Final Wars" and the original Godzilla from 1954. (Now 5/31/16)I have made some changes with Godzilla at the end of the book
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  • Sports 101
    An informative book that introduces various sports, their rules, and objectives. It also highlights the benefits of playing sports.
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    This book discusses the importance of theater in education, specifically in secondary schools. It explores the benefits of theater for students' personal and social developme…
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