Omnivore Books

  • The ABCs of Omnivore's Dilemma
    An informative alphabet book that introduces various topics related to agriculture, food production, and sustainability.
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  • who would win? honey badger vs skunk
    A brief introduction to badgers and skunks, followed by a description of a battle between the two animals.
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  • Facts about the Loch Ness Monster
    So you've heard theres a dinasour living underwater and you don't know what is!? Don't worry this book can help. From what she eats to where she lives, and a bunch more! all …
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  • The Circle of Life: The Food Chain
    This book explains the relationship between plants, animals, and their environment through the food chain, using clear examples and definitions.
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  • Foxes
    This nonfiction book provides information about foxes, including where they live, what they eat, their behavior, and hunting habits. It also includes fun facts and jokes. The…
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  • Arctic Foxes
    An informational book about arctic foxes, their habitat, diet, and appearance.
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  • the dinosaurs day
    A group of dinosaurs embark on an adventure in Dino World, encountering a T-Rex and using their weapons to defend themselves.
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  • Clamantha's big win
    Clamantha, an omnivorous mollusk, wins an eating contest due to her continuous eating ability.
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