Opposite Books

  • Grandpa, What Did You Do When You Were Little Without A Phone?
    When he was little and before there were mobile phones, grandpa found many ways to live an interesting life.
    Eye Icon 64775
    Star Icon 3920
  • Let's Learn Opposites
    A simple and engaging story that introduces the concept of opposites through examples and dialogue.
    Eye Icon 1167
    Star Icon 7
  • Hatsane Miku
    Hatsune Miku, a singer, is cursed by an evil witch. She embarks on a journey to find a solution and befriends her opposite self. Together, they defeat the witch.
    Eye Icon 1119
    Star Icon 123
  • Oscar the Opposite Ostrich
    Oscar, an ostrich who can't bury his head, saves his fellow ostriches from a dangerous storm and earns their friendship.
    Eye Icon 164
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  • Oliver The Octopus Discovers Opposites
    Oliver the Octopus teaches about opposites through various examples, engaging readers with interactive questions and fun illustrations.
    Eye Icon 193
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  • A Book of Opposites
    I wrote this book for my daughter's kindergarten class. It is colorful and uses one word descriptions for each concept. Perfect for beginning readers.
    Eye Icon 217
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  • World Changers
    Come along with me to see what it means to be a climate activist and a world changer. Together we can live in a better world.
    Eye Icon 20961
    Star Icon 1125
  • Opposites
    A simple and rhythmic poem that contrasts opposites and expresses personal preferences.
    Eye Icon 66
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