Oregon Books

  • The Oregon Trail
    A detailed account of the Oregon Trail, from its history and reasons for migration to the challenges faced by pioneers and their settlement in Oregon.
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  • Traveling the Oregon Trail
    This informative book provides a detailed account of the Oregon Trail, including its location, reasons for travel, journey length, packing essentials, crossing water, dangers…
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  • Laura's Journal
    This is a fictional account of one teenage girl's journey west on the Oregon Trail.
  • Oregon trail
    A girl and her dad travel on the Oregon Trail, encountering various experiences and eventually settling in Oregon.
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  • ABC's of The Oregon Trail
    An alphabetical guide to the Oregon Trail, covering its history, challenges, and impact on the United States.
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  • Oregon Country
    This story tells the history of Oregon, from its multiple claims to its settlement and impact on Native Americans and wildlife.
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  • The Adventures of Nani the Labradoodle
    Nani, a Labradoodle, spends time with three girls from Texas during their visit to the Oregon Coast, engaging in various activities and forming a bond.
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  • The Girl Who Grew Wings
    Amelia is an angel, but she doesn't know it yet. Ever since she was a child she always wanted to fly. She lives in a small orphanage in Oregon. But when she grows wings and d…
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