Overfishing Books

  • Overfishing
    This book provides an overview of overfishing, its causes, effects, and potential solutions. It also includes fun facts and key terms related to the topic.
  • Overfishing
    Jack and Mary, two pirates, discover the problem of overfishing in Asia. They decide to teach sustainable fishing and learn about endangered species.
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    Paola Gutierrez, a representative from Greenpeace, gives a speech about overfishing and its impact on the planet. She discusses the causes, consequences, and possible solutio…
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  • Allen's Pond
    Allen loves fishing but notices a decline in fish population. With his sisters' help, they protect the fish and limit their fishing to restore the pond's life.
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  • Overfishing
    An informative book about overfishing, its causes, effects, and potential solutions, with a focus on trawling and catch shares.
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  • Fish Hero
    In a First Nations village, a boy named Davis learns about the consequences of overfishing from a talking fish and helps his village make amends with Mother Nature.
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  • There's No More Fish In The Sea
    A cautionary tale about overfishing and its consequences, with a hopeful message of responsible fishing practices.
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  • Fred The Fish
    Fred, a curious fish, learns about the problem of overfishing from his friends and the endangered species list. He realizes the importance of conservation but is saddened by …
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